The Association of the Holy Childhood was established by Charles de Forbin Janson, Bishop of Nancy, France, in 1843. The organization encourages children worldwide to pray and share, while also supporting both the spiritual and physical well-being of children through prayer and pastoral care. The boys and girls belonging to Missionary Childhood, accompanied by their animators, propose to be missionaries in their communities and to help the children of the whole world. They are friends of Jesus and they make friends for Jesus.
Prayer to the Holy Childhood.
O Dear sweet Infant Jesus, I offer You my will, that You strengthen it, my mind that You inspire it; my memory that You fill it; my wishes and desires, that You cleanse them, I sacrifice to You; my intentions that You guide them, all my inner and outer activities, that You make them sacred. All I am and all I have is Yours. Your love for me is my hope and trust. Hear me and grant that I may never leave you.